This command will toggle the the Pointer device.ġ - Open a Terminal and find the device: $xinput You can create a custom Shortcut with the following command: gnome-terminal - /bin/bash -c 'file='/tmp/touch-disable' id=$(xinput | grep YOUR_DEVICE_STRING | grep -o 'id=\+' | grep -o '\+') if then xinput enable $id rm $file else xinput disable $id touch $file fi' If your property IDs are different then use yours. Assuming your property IDs match mine, disable these with the commands: % xinput set-prop 12 305 0Īnd now your trackpad should provide only mouse pointer position. The relevant properties are 'Two-Finger Scrolling', 'Edge Scrolling', and 'Tap Time', with property IDs 314, 313, and 305 respectively. List the touchpad properites with the command: % xinput -list-props 12 Mine looks like: ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 You should see the trackpad with it's ID. First, get the device id from xinput: % xinput list I, also, just upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04, and found my trackpad behavior suboptimal with seemingly random scrolling and mouse clicks even though I had disabled the scrolling and mouse click in the System Settings GUI.īasically, I just wanted to be able to position the cursor with the trackpad and nothing else. I'm assuming you want to disable the trackpad because of its annoying scrolling and clicking behavior (yeah, I know what happens when you assume: you make an ASS out of U and ME, but it wouldn't be the first time).